Thursday, October 09, 2008
getting my life back

since my late college years and all throughtout my law school life, i always studied in coffee shops. for two reasons. one, i fall asleep in the library. two, i falll asleep at home. this, though, does not mean that i don't fall asleep in a coffee shop. but at least the "sleeping time" is limited.
during the times that i study in a coffee shop, i always envied the people who came in to sit down and read a good book. (READ: non-law books) i was all too excited to be one of them. to enter starbucks without any law books and to just sit down, relax and read.
after a hearty lunch with sarj yesterday, i went to starbucks in binondo. as if going through my old routine, i went up and saw that someone was studying in my favorite study spot. so i got a drink and comfortably settled in the nearby table and started reading a book. this i haven't done for more than 4 years. at least now, i have my life back. :)
force of habit: i took out my orange marker to highlight the lines i liked. old habits are indeed hard to break. hehe!