Sunday, June 29, 2008


one step at a time

after three weeks or so. i was finally ready to talk. i knew i needed to let it out sooner or later. i'm feeling (relatively) better now. still a lot of unresolved things in my mind. but for now, i can stay in this vagueness, if only for sanity's sake. as i alwasys say, when everything seems overwhelming, take it one step at a time.

thanks, tring, for the ice cream. it helped (a lot).

Sunday, June 08, 2008


- - -

time and again, everyone has been saying that bar review in itself is already stressful and adding more stress would be just too much.

i should just have obliged with tin's invitation for ice cream that night. haha!

well, i have to do well in this review and eventually, the bar thing. although the thought of always having to prove myself (since high school, college, etc.) really is tiring, at least now, my priorities are clear.

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