Sunday, August 28, 2005


matters i don't normally mind

oh that four-letter word... (there are a lot of them, go take your pick) i don't usually talk about it, much less, post something about it here in my blog. umm... i retract. i actually did a few months back. (if you're much too inclined to find out, go check the archives)

it doesn't seem to be much of a concern for me, or so i think. i don't even know why i'm writing about this now. i just feel i needed to let this out before i finally call it a night (or a day -- it's past 3 in the morning). with the recent turn of events in my life, i suddenly feel so emotionally unstable, a feeling i can't explain no matter how hard i think of it. i just end up being tired and exasperated. i thought IT wasn't there anymore. then again...

let's just say that there are 2 people involved. which makes it all the more complicated. suffice it to say that whatever i want to happen can't happen. it just can't. my fault? probably. but i don't know...

to the other person, i can't seem to understand why i am very bothered and you are not at all. what i hate most is that you can't seem to notice ANYTHING. could be your fault or mine or i'm just probably plain stupid.

to that other person who will probably remain to be the one that got away... admittedly, it's not your fault. i think it was never your fault from the very start. it's just me. what i can't understand is why i still feel the same way after all these years. i thought it was over. everything. i guess i'm wrong...

serves me right for being so insensitive and scared...

with that, i shall call it a night and rest. hoping that at the break of dawn, i can start anew with all the mess cleaned up.


at starbucks... elvin, jay, lloyd, saint, me, kate, ben, boom, mito Posted by Picasa


with saint, jill, rg, kate and jaypee. forever BB! haha! Posted by Picasa


tapat get together at dampa Posted by Picasa


so much thoughts

finally, after several months (literally) i'm back (semi) to the blogging world. how's life for me... well life has been sooooo busy. whoever said that second year in law school is just a walk in the park?!? yeah, a walk in the park barefoot and with the way full of spikes. well, midterms "officially ended" yesterday. due to 2 exams we requested to be moved. i won't rant about the exams anymore. i think i've went past that stage already. i realized that when i rant about exams, i say the same things over and over again. just one thought for the midterms: goodness, i haven't seen so many signatures on my exam permit. oh well...

i've been trying to make some coherence of all my thoughts to make a nice comeback entry. well, i can't seem to succeed depsite the long hours of staring at the pc. not a case of writer's block, but rather, there are just too many things to say and i just can't seem to figure out what to write about. weird, ain't it?

anyway... saint (who's back in japan now) and jay (who's also back in cebu) were in manila last week. went out twice with tapat people last week. talk about good timing. besides going out with them after not seeing them for a really long time, it was a welcome break after midterms. i was actually going out almost every night that week. hehe...

pics to follow Ü

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