Monday, May 14, 2007


just the beginning

(here is an entry without any coherence. product of a confused mind)

i thought i was at least nearing halfway through things. i was wrong. i'm just about to start things, that is assuming i do start soon.

here i go again, i'm starting to get myself into complicated things once again. all of a sudden, i find myself in an all too familiar situation that i've encountered before. i don't know if i want the same amount of details i had years back. same situation, but different persons. but this time around, it's going to be a struggle for me.

funny how i found myself saying, "...blunt as it may sound, it just takes some getting used to. totoo yun. trust me, i know..." to the exact same person who was the reason why i said the same thing.

if i would do something anytime soon is a question yet to be answered. as of now, only one thing is sure. i wouldn't want to commit the same mistake i made almost 5 years ago.

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